

Skip the investor research in our database of +40,000 investors and boost your warm intros.

Published on: October 17, 2024 | Location: Delaware, United States | Tags: Fundraising, Venture Capital
Struggling to find investors suited for your company? Let us build you a pipeline with potential investor matches across +40,000 contacts in Venture Capital & Business Angels worldwide with our AI.

Get new investor matches every month right in your pipeline, where you keep track of all your investor relations, document all conversations, negotiations and stages of your investor relationship, from start to finish. Effortlessly organize your fundraising process using drag and drop to ease your workflow.

Access all contact details on every investor card, such as partner names, emails, phone numbers, LinkedIn profiles, and more—all in one place. Dive into their portfolio founders and their information, so you spend less time researching warm intros.

Build meaningful connections through warm intros from portfolio founders, the most effective way to raise capital and get investors’ attention. Connect with founders of the investor's portfolio with the help of EasyVC to get warm intros. Do what the top 1% of founders do to raise capital through connections that matter to investors.