HIgedi: Gestational Diabetes
#1 social app connecting women with gestational diabetes experience and knowledge
HIgedi: Gestational Diabetes has been developed as a new and unique approach to dealing with gestational diabetes diagnosis.
When it comes to gestational diabetes apps, there are a few that concentrate on tracking features and meal planning, but none of them offer social aspects such as:
- Community feed for open gestational diabetes-related discussions, including keyword attaching and keyword search (high fasting reading, bedtime snack, oral glucose tolerance test, and insulin to name a few)
- Map search to locate „gestational diabetes buddies“ in the area – for meet-ups, local recommendations etc.
- Marketplace for gestational diabetes-related goodies: everything from low-carb snacks and high-protein drinks to blood glucose meters and gestational diabetes-related books.
When it comes to gestational diabetes apps, there are a few that concentrate on tracking features and meal planning, but none of them offer social aspects such as:
- Community feed for open gestational diabetes-related discussions, including keyword attaching and keyword search (high fasting reading, bedtime snack, oral glucose tolerance test, and insulin to name a few)
- Map search to locate „gestational diabetes buddies“ in the area – for meet-ups, local recommendations etc.
- Marketplace for gestational diabetes-related goodies: everything from low-carb snacks and high-protein drinks to blood glucose meters and gestational diabetes-related books.